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Smart House on Railways - Modernization of Czech Railways is running ahead

21.10.2012 | Category: Written about us |

Technik - Foxtrot v modernizaci železnic - Smart House na kolejíchCzech magazine Technik ( Economia publishing) published article about mobile GSM-R network building on Czech railway corridors. The article (in Czech language only) you may read here. A part of the arfticle is description of Smart Maitenance System - GSM-R Smart House from company Kapsch CarrierCom, which provides control of all base stations. This reference you may read at our website in section Transportation.

Schéma inteligentního technologického objektu pro umístění GSM-R. FOTO: KAPSCH

Image: Intelligent technology object for placing GSM-R, chart
Photo: Kapsch

Tecomat Foxtrot is not mentioned in the article, but from the image of switchboard from website of the magazine Technik it is evident.

Foxtrot - Inteligentní řídicí jednotka s operátorským panelem LCD propojuje ostatní komponenty. FOTO: ELPRAMO

Image: Intelligent control unit with LCD panel connects other components

Foxtrot součástí GSM-R SmartHouse od Kapsch

Photo: Kapsch

Czech Republic

Control system of GSM-R repeater powered by photovoltaic panels
Customer: SŽDC (Správa železniční dopravní cesty)

Implemented by
Kapsch CarrierCom,
Elpramo (montáže)


Control system
Tecomat Foxtrot CP-1005

Mosaic, WebMaker


2nd NAtional Railway Corridor
: Wikipedie