TECO - Automation - Detail


Control system of HVAC in administrative building with roof residential flat - Pardubice, Czech Republic


  • Country: Czech Republic
  • Name: Control system of HVAC in administrative building with roof residential flat - Pardubice, Czech Republic  
  • Implemented by: Tecont s.r.o. 
  • Date: 2013
  • Control system: Tecomat Foxtrot
  • Software: Mosaic

In 2013, there has been equipped by our control system Tecomat Foxtrot an administrative building with a flat. Implementation of Foxtrot has been done by company Tecont, who is an expert in HVAC control. System Foxtrot here controls metering, regulation, heating control, air-conditioning and ventilation.

Controlled technologies:

  • Ventilation system with recuperation and water rating of the air
  • Equitherm heating branches
  • Room temperature control with heating units combined with VRV units Daikin - IRC s otopnými tělesy v kombinaci s VRV jednotkami DAIKIN v administrativní části
  • Room temperature control with floor convectors combined with VRV units Daikin in residential flat   
  • Integration with fire protection system


Full-blown user control of all technologies via web interface. There are available optional parameters of ventilation, central heating and for heating/air conditioning of all rooms and spaces. Settings contains operation modes, temperature comfort settings and time programs. There are available temperature graphs for each room with history. Temperature history is stored to table in csv file format.

Service parameters may be available also from web page after log in by service password.

Central module is connected to internal ethernet network. Thanks to this feature the user may control and visualize all technologies from any computer within and outside the building.


The brain of the system is central module Foxtrot CP 1003. There are two expansion modules connected by TCL bus to central module, which creates 4 CIB bus branches. In total, there are 90 peripherals connected by CIB bus. For user control there are implemented room units RCM2-1, C-RC-0003R and via web page.

For the air exchange of the whole administrative part (offices, meeting rooms), there is ventilation system with recuperation and water heating of the air. The power of ventilation is controlled by frequency converters on inlet and outlet ventilator, so there is optimized using of outside air features with combination of supplied air features.

As a heating source, there is used hot water pipeline from CZT EOP. Supplied hot water is divided into 4 independent rating branches, each one is autonomously controlled according to equitherm curves by mixed valves.

During summer season there are, according to room metering, switched on VRV units of air-conditioning  system Daikin, who communicates with PLC and may switch on the units in the room according to needs. With interior modules RCM2-1 there is possible to set local temperature and operation settings.
