Industrial automation
The basis of a successful business in the industry is to keep everything under control and to ensure an environment that can save time and effort. That is why company managers, directors, and owners are looking for ways to move forward in industrial automation. The top technology in industrial automation is the Tecomat Foxtrot PLC system. Its great advantage is its wide use and complete adjustability for various industry sectors. The simple control of simple single-purpose machines as well as complex devices and production units can be achieved.
The system is stable, perfectly reliable and able to work without problems for decades. For example, it uses technology for both easy door opening and more sophisticated systems for controlling complicated mechanisms. Thanks to its high durability, it is also suited to demanding operations where it provides quick and easy customization. Investments in automation are not high and have a very quick return on investment. Programmable vending machines are used in most operations, and if you are lacking, we will provide you with everything you need for easy automation.
Success stories - Industrial automation

Control of the RESTA HTH3-20 mobile screener (sorter)
The Czech manufacturer RESTA s.r.o. custom-made and delivered a screener HTH3 1200x3000, which is controlled by our PLC Tecomat Foxtrot.

Control of the gas treatment and cleaning process at company TisaGaz - Ukraine
Company CP profikom delivered a full technology for gas treatment and cleaning, which is controlled by our control system Tecomat Foxtrot.
Control of pumping in fuel terminals - Ukraine
Ukraine company CP Profikom from Lvov implemented in 2014 - 2017 our control system Tecomat Foxtrot at 5 pumping fuel terminals of company GalNefteGaZ, supplying fuel to OKKO fuel stations in Ukraine.

Special testing device for company Kulickove srouby Kurim - Czech Republic
Special testing device for company Kulickove srouby Kurim - Czech Republic. Implemented by: Vyzkumne centrum pro strojirenskou vyrobni techniku a technologii Fakulty strojni CVUT v Praze

Metal scrap cutting machine control - Budapest, Hungary
Metal scrap cutting machine control - Budapest, Hungary. Implemented by: Szinusz Épületautomatika Kft.

Control of carousel lathe Dorries SD160
Control of carousel lathe Dorries SD160. Implememted by: DEÁK elektro, s.r.o.

Automated grinder machine
Automated grinder machine, Czech Republic. Implemented by: Jiri Novotny KASKO Praha

Control of technology for controlled dissolving of hydrogen into the water - Samsung Mobile Displays, South Korea
Control of technology for controlled dissolving of hydrogen into the water - Samsung Mobile Displays, South Korea. Implemented by: CSVG a.s.

Boiler House for biomass combustion in Kohila, Estonia
This biomass combustion boiler house is controlled via our control system Tecomat Foxtrot and is a part of centralised heating system of city Kohila in Estonia.
Silicon plates washing process control - Finland
The Finnish company Okmetic is a manufacturer of silicon plates for the semiconductor industry. The company ALL4FAB supplied her with technological equipment for washing and etching these plates. The machine itself is a special washer for washing, etching and drying silicon wafers in very high purity. The basis of the entire device is the Teco TC700 PLC control system and an industrial computer working as a visualization with the Reliance SCADA/HMI system.

Control of heating and lighting in metal machining plant - Napkor, Hungary
Control of heating and lighting in metal machining plant - Napkor, Hungary. Implemented by: Lion-Home System Bt

Apple waste drying process control - Mukacevo, Ukraine
Apple waste drying process control - Mukacevo, Ukraine. Implemented by: CP Profikom

Temperature monitoring in refrigeration appliances at Al Dar Sweets - United Arab Emirates
The Tecomat Foxtrot control system monitors the temperature inside three refrigerators and one freezer at Al Dar Sweets in Abu Dhabi.

Fire cylinder filling process control - United Arab Emirates
Company Firex Technologies from United Arab Emirates is using our system Tecomat Foxtrot to automate extinguishing cylinder filling process in machine FM200.

Mining machine at Mine Staric III/6B Chlebovice, Czech Republic
Mining machine control - Mine Staric, Czech Republic. Implemented by: INCO engineering, s.r.o.

Complete monitoring of machines in company Kovolis Hedvikov - Czech Republic
Complete monitoring of machines in company Kovolis Hedvikov - Czech Republic. Implemented by: Kybertec, s.r.o.

Rubber welding machine – Slovakia
Rubber welding machine – Slovakia. Implemented by: Slovteco

Terminal OEE (Overall Equipment Effectivenes)
Terminal OEE - Overall Equipment Effectiveness. Implemeted by: LAMAL s.r.o.

Visualization and archiving of data from gas-volume conversion devices and chromatographs at the Brandov Border Transfer Station
Visualization and archiving of data from gas-volume conversion devices and chromatographs at the Brandov Border Transfer Station. Implemented by: GEOVAP, spol. s r.o.
Expansion of Black Sea terminal for gas transshipment
Control panel for propan butanu transshipment. Control panel assembly: Teco a.s., Project design, programming, commissioning: Polyexport, Tbilisi

Control system for Black Sea Oil Terminal in Georgia
Control system for Black Sea Oil Terminal in Georgia. Implemented by: Teco a.s., OOO Kontur Avtomatika

Control system for powder coating line
Control system for powder coating line. Implemented by: Ekol s.r.o.

Control system of galvanic line - Sternberk, Czech Republic
Control system of galvanic line - Sternberk, Czech Republic. Implementedy by: AITEC s.r.o.

Control System of the galvanic line used for nickel & zinc coating in Brisk Tabor
Control system of the galvanic line used for nickel & zinc coating. Implemented by: AITEC s.r.o.

Control System of the galvanizing process in Galvanika Pribram
Control system of the galvanizing process. Implemented by: AITEC s.r.o.

Control System of polymerization reactor Hagemann II
Control system of polymerization reactor Hagemann II. Implemented by: PROTECO s.r.o.

Control System of disposal facility used for neutralization of alkali-acid, chromium and cyanide waste-water
Control system of disposal facility used for neutralization of alkali-acid, chromium and cyanide waste-water. Implemented by: AITEC s.r.o.

Main Control Room for Boiler Rooms, Prague 3
Main Control Room for Boiler Rooms, Prague 3. Implemented by: TECONT spol. s r.o.

Control of the central heating system for the city of Martin, Slovakia
Control of the central heating system for the city of Martin, Slovakia. Implemented by: Teco, a.s.

Control system of 62MW exchange station in Aliachem a.s., Pardubice
Control system of 62MW exchange station. Implemented by: MARIX s.r.o.; KYBERTEC, s.r.o.

Comprehensive management and visualization of product testing at WATERFALL PUMPS MANUFACTURING, United Arab Emirates
The Tecomat Foxtrot control system is used in this company for complex control and visualization of individual product testing. It checks all fire extinguisher functions and also creates a database of test results. These results are subsequently presented in a detailed report and video recording.

Control system of PROMT chicken meat processing plant, Brno
Control system of the chicken meat processing plant. Implemented by: ELKING, s.r.o. Brno

International control system for the ripening process of bananas
International control system for the ripening process of bananas. Implemented by: ELPRO Kolin, s.r.o.

Control system of cooling-machine room and cooling plant technology in NOWACO cooling plant
Control system of cooling-machine room and cooling plant technology. Implemented by: PROTECO s.r.o.

Control system of automatic mill technology for Unimills Mill, Pardubice
Control system of automatic mill technology. Implemented by: ASSORTIS Electric s.r.o.

Enterprise control system of brewing malt production for Nymburk Malting Plant
Enterprise control system of brewing malt production, energy saving and water works. Implemented by: PROTECO s.r.o.

Control system of Vahala Meat Processing Plant
Control system of meat processing plant. Implemented by: TECONT s.r.o.

Control system of the meat processing plant, Prague
Control system of the meat processing plant in Prague. Implemented by: TECONT s.r.o.

Control system of the steam boiler-room in the Pernstejn Brewery, Pardubice
Control system of the steam boiler-room. Implemented by: ELPRO Kolin, s.r.o.

Control system of enterprise energy consumption in Pilsner Brewery
Control system of enterprise energy consumption. Implemented by: MCAT Automation s.r.o.

Control system of Schneider Meat Processing Plant, Pilsen
Control system of meat processing plant. Implemented by: TECONT s.r.o.

Control system of self-service beer pubs
Control system of self-service beer pubs. Implemented by: MCAT Automation s.r.o.

Control system for barley production in Hodonice
Control system for barley production. Implemented by: PROTECO s.r.o.

Control and visualization of silos used for grain storage in Rimavska Sobota, Slovak Republic
Control and visualization of silos used for grain storage in Rimavska Sobota, Slovak Republic. Implemented by: SLOVTECO s.r.o.

Other references - Machine industry
Metal forming machines, Car industry, Surface finish, Rubber industry, Textile industry, Other machines

References - Ironworks and metallurgy
References - Ironworks and metallurgy

Reference - Mines, Hoist engines
Reference - Mines, Hoist engines

Reference - Building materials industry
Reference - Building materials industry: Brickworks, Batching plants, Cement, Ceramics, Other

Reference - Glassworks, ceramics production
Reference - Glassworks, ceramics production

Reference - Wood, paper production
Reference - Wood, paper production

Reference - Electrical engineering
Reference - Electrical engineering

Reference - Agriculture
Reference - Agriculture: Mash production, Vegetable oil production, Improvement stations