Reference - Agriculture
Mash production
Control system of complete mash production technology - pneumatic transport lines, mash and limestone weighing, microlines, raw material pounding, mixing and other processes - Grana, a.s., VKS Záhoří
Mash production control - TAGREA, a.s. - silo Čekanice
Mash production control - CEREA, a.s. - VKS Jičín
Meat-and-bone meal production line - ASAP Věž
Delivery of micro-line and expansion of control system - ZZN Písek, a.s., VKS Záhoří
Delivery and installation of scales and expansion of control system - VKS Pohledští Dvořáci
Delivery of control system for weighing, scales modification - ZOS a.s. Kačina, Nové Dvory
Mash production control system reconstruction - ZZN Zábřeh a.s.
Reconstruction of control system for mash production - Slavkovské krmné směsi a.s.
Mash production reconstruction - CEREA a.s., VKS Smiřice
Mash weighing and transport - ZZN a.s Svitavy
Delivery of scales and 3rd stage of expansion of control system - ZZN Písek, a.s., VKS Záhoří
Control system reconstruction, 2nd stage - ZZN Písek, a.s., VKS Záhoří
Mash production control system - ZZN Polabí a.s. Kolín
Weighing and transport of mash - ZZN Semily a.s. VKS Turnov
Delivery of control system for mash production - ZZN Žďár nad Sázavou a.s.
Mash production - ZZN Česká Skalice, VKS Trutnov
Reconstruction of control system and scales for mash production - CEREA a.s., VKS Nový Bydžov
Reconstruction of control system and scales for mash production - VKS Ing. Hnilička Miroslav
Mash production control - VKS Nové Mesto nad Váhom, Slovensko
Mash production, reconstruction - ZZN Polabí a.s. , Kolín, VOS Pečky
Vegetable oil production
Vegetable oil purification line control system - AGROHELIOS Rakšice
Mash production control system, oil press shop - Poľnonákup Bebrava a.s., Rybany u Bánovců n/B., Slovensko
Rape-seed oil press shop control system - ZZN Slaný a.s.
Improvement stations
Full control of the company for processing of wastes from meat packing plants. Raw material processing by hydrolysing, sterilization, pressing and fat management, powder plant and goods dispatching. Indirectly related part of the technology is the sewage treatment plant - Improvement station Dlugi Borek, Poland
Rendering plant control and monitoring system - ASAP Věž
Biological sewerage plant - ASAP Věž
Rendering plant preparatory room control and monitoring - ASAVET Biřkov, s.r.o.
Accumulating pumping plant and water treatment plant for boiler room, pumpimg station - ASAVET Biřkov, s.r.o.