Success stories - Others

Lighting control of Mucha´s monumental work: The Slav Epic – Moravský Krumlov Castle, Czech Republic
A cycle of twenty large-format paintings inspired by Slavic mythology and the history of the Czech nation by the famous Art Nouveau painter Alfons Mucha is once again at Moravský Krumlov Castle. The reconstructed premises meet the strictest criteria for displaying canvases, including high demands on the quality of lighting for an extraordinary work of art. The complex of 150 light fittings is controlled by Tecomat Foxtrot via DALI buses. Implemented by: Sadel PRO, s.r.o., 2021

Tecomat Foxtrot controls S.A.W.E.R., equipment which can produce water from the air
Turning a dry and hot desert into a green landscape could, until recently, sound like a dream or a fairy tale. In practice, large amounts of water would be needed to make such a change. But where in the desert can one find such huge quantities of water? From the air and the sun. S.A.W.E.R. (Solar Air Water Earth Resource) is autonomous device, which can transform a dry and hot desert into a green landscape through water from the air and solar energy. It means it can producen water from the air that can be used for human consumption, feeding livestock or irrigating plants. It is composed of two systems, one for extracting water out of the desert air and the other for cultivating the desert into fertile land. Tecomat Foxtrot system is used in this device to control the entire water production process.

Automated thermo gatekeeper AgeVolt with central unit Teco inside
During Covid-19 epidemic times, new intersting product from our Slovak customer appeared on the market. It is Automated Thermo Gatekeeper that manages the entry into the building considering the skin temperature and maximum number of people inside.

Control of the gas treatment and cleaning process at company TisaGaz - Ukraine
Company CP profikom delivered a full technology for gas treatment and cleaning, which is controlled by our control system Tecomat Foxtrot.
Control of pumping in fuel terminals - Ukraine
Ukraine company CP Profikom from Lvov implemented in 2014 - 2017 our control system Tecomat Foxtrot at 5 pumping fuel terminals of company GalNefteGaZ, supplying fuel to OKKO fuel stations in Ukraine.

Monitoring of temperatures in Al Dar Sweets - Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Monitoring of temperatures in Al Dar Sweets - Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Implemented by: Neptune UAE

Control of technologies in entertainment park Permonium - Czech Republic
Permonium - entertainment park with a story - is located in former coal mine KUKLA closed to city Brno in the Czech Republic. A center of the park is more than 100 years old culture monument - 41 meters high mining tower with panoramatic lift, where adventure things happens. Thanks to creating an entertainment park, old monument has alived with an interactive content. Important role in the park is playing our control system Tecomat Foxtrot.

Tecomat Foxtrot at EXPO 2015 in Milano in OEM version for company Regulus
Hot water supply technology for the Czech pavilion at exhibition EXPO 2015 has been done by company Regulus. We are proud of being a heart of this technology, because a control of solar panels and heating pump is done by intelligent controller IR-30. It is an OEM version of our system Tecomat Foxtrot, programmed to an upper level for easy use for non-programmers - installers of heating systems.

Control of casting press machine in city lamp manufacturing plant - Ternopol, Ukraine
Control of casting press machine in city lamp manufacturing plant - Ternopol, Ukraine. Implemented by: ČP SAKS

Tester for lamp leaking control - Ternopol, Ukraine
Tester for lamp leaking control - Ternopol, Ukraine. Implementation: CP Profikom

Painting line control - Ternopol, Ukraine
Painting line control - Ternopol, Ukraine. Implemented by: CP SAKS

Temperature monitoring in a pharmaceutical warehouse - Libya
In addition to standard storage areas, refrigerators are also located in this pharmaceutical warehouse. The warehouse itself is composed of several zones in which 15 sensors are placed for monitoring temperature and humidity.

Learning workplaces with Foxtrot at High school in Brno - Czech Republic
Learning workplaces with Foxtrot at High school in Brno - Czech Republic. Implemented by: Teco a.s., Stroza s.r.o., Rameco

Monitoring experiments in the Tunnel Joseph
Monitoring experiments in the Tunnel Joseph. Implemented by: Technická univerzita Liberec (Technical University Liberec)

Control system of air tunnel in certification testing company
Control system of air tunnel in certification testing company FIRES - Slovak Republic. Implememted by: SLOVTECO s.r.o.

Other interesting references
Other interesting references